I bet not anyone of you know about IZEA, this is a premium blog marketing platform. Social Spark and PayPerPost are owned and operated by IZEA. They connect advertiser with blog publisher or bloggers to create sponsored blog post. They are known to be the world leader when it comes to Social Media Sponsorship. If you are advertiser or blogger you can understand more or this make sense to you.

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The Advertiser compensates Publisher or blogger through a points based system in exchange for posts on their blog. The articles or post are written by a publisher or a blogger in their own words or opinion and published to the site of the publisher or a blogger. This post or article made by the blogger or publisher in order to promote the advertisers product or services to the bloggers or publishers website to get traffic and a customer.

Advertiser will pay to IZEA and IZEA pays to the blogger or publisher. IZEA make sure that articles that have been published it adheres to their highest standard of disclosure, ethics and meet the FTC and WOMMA compliance requirements. IZEA they screen and curate all the blogs or publishers that applies for them.

IZEA makes sure that they quality of work and preview each individual blog before they make an offer. The advertiser before they can make an offer they can able to see actual Google Analytic data about each blog or the publisher. Also after the post goes live the advertiser can view performance of each individual blog post or article including the links, views and CPC to determine the ROI.

I’ve been in IZEA as a publisher or a blogger since I started for almost three years and they are very good in giving me works. There are times that I don’t have opportunity or works but I thinks this depends how my works are and traffic on my website or blog that I have. I believe our income depends on our performance on how good is our work and our blog.

If you are a new blogger or publisher don’t hesitate to try or check on IZEA. Or if you are an advertiser looking for a good promoter to your service or product you should check them. I have no issues when it comes to their payments and works that I have done with them. They hire bloggers or publisher to write sponsored blog post. We want a little income at our own time and our own pace.