by icyents | Sep 3, 2010 | Business, Money, Other, Technology, Travel
Did you upload 5 of our best pictures to Kodak’s “Share The Moment site”. Sharing your life just got simpler. With the Share button and Kodak’s Share button app, sharing your pictures is amazingly simple. One-button upload—turn moments into...
by icyents | Aug 31, 2010 | Business, Money, Other, Technology
Social media is very popular nowadays but there are people does not know what social media means. Social media encompasses blogs, social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and My Space and their is also called a professional networking avenues such as LinkedIn and...
by icyents | Jul 18, 2010 | Business, Money, Other, Technology
I once heard a saying, by “You can live your life any way you want, but you can only live it once.” Running a small business should enhance your life and give you the freedom, financial stability, free time, pleasure, and everything you want from your business....
by icyents | Jul 12, 2010 | Business, Money, Other, Technology
While multi-level-marketing is not usually as scam, it can be. Many successful and perfectly legitimate companies effectively use the MLM model to create tremendous opportunities and rewards for their best salespeople. However, it is important to note that these...
by icyents | Jul 7, 2010 | Business, Money, Other, Technology
In Washington, there’s a code phrase for the middle ground that lawmakers find after a torrent of industry lobbying or partisan debate: “Let’s do a study.” The Wall Street reform bill may be the most extreme example: The legislation, which...
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