Things You Should Know About Sun Protection

Things You Should Know About Sun Protection

Summer is here and it’s warming up outside, we’re shedding our layers of clothing and exposing more skin. But, as many of the skin-protection campaigns are saying, we need to practice safe sun. So I have taken the time to put together a list of what I...

A Few More Travel Tips For This Summer

It is always exciting to go on that vacation and it is so tempting to let the guard down and just have some fun. When you are traveling in a foreign area, there are some key things to remember that will keep you and your belongings safer while still having fun. * Keep...

It’s Time To Plan A Relaxing Vacation

Now is the time to planning for your vacation. Most of us have been through the pain of calling everywhere just to make hotel reservations or to find a holiday package that you can afford. All of these are stressful hassle that had ultimately affected your holiday...