Web Browser Internet Explorer Will Be Diminished Next Year

Microsoft announced just last week that Internet Explorer will be unusable anymore next year

Need A Web Hosting Company For Your Websites?

Sometimes deciding which web hosting company, you will used is quite difficult to decide.

Advantages From Innovation And Technology

The rapid pace of technological innovation changes the ways of life in so many ways and people.

Upload You Tube Videos Directly To Your iPhone

Did you know that we have already the ability to upload videos to YouTube directly from your phone?

The Web Browser Called “AirGap”?

The basic premise here is that instead of running a browser directly on your PC, laptop, or mobile device, you run it inside a Spikes Security data center.

People Are Looking For Brand Names To Buy Stuff

Most of us we always look for the brand names when we buy stuffs. Why is that? I think the reason for this is of most of the brand names stuff are more on good quality. They have to have a good quality because people will not buy if they are not good. Most of the brand name stuff last long but they cost is high. Meaning you have to pay for the price.

The branded names have good stuff that they put unto it that is why we pay for the price. If you don’t buy the brand name most of the time it will not last long. You just waste your money of buying not good brand. When it comes to technology or cars you have to buy the brand name so that it will last long before you replace it.

It is better to buy the expensive things that last long than not expensive but you just used it for a day. It will end up spending more money into things that are not expensive because you keep replacing them. I know we want to cut our cost our budget but we have to think that if we want to cut our budget it will end up that we spend more if don’t buy the good stuff or brand name that has quality.

We have to be choosy in buying things but there are stuff also that we can buy that is not name brand and cheap that is good as well. But when it comes to technology or electronic stuff, like computers, cars, furniture and many important items I would suggest that buy with the brand names because it will last long and we will not keep buying all the time.

Internet Security By Norton / Symantec

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Norton Small Business by Symantec for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

With today’s times and the technology available hackers and scam artists are using the internet to target individuals and small and large business every day. This is why you need to protect your Small Business from the latest online threats, or even your Large Business or Home Office.

This is why there is now available Norton Small Business by Symantec. Right now at Norton / Symantec you can save by taking advantage of their 30% discount they are giving to Small Businesses when you purchase one of their 5U or 10U products. You do not have to be an IT expert to know that is a good buy.

Just this past September Norton released their all new Norton 360 and the Norton Internet Security 2012 that will help you stay protected all year long. Which are great for offices of any size, I know I could have used virus protection a while ago when my computer was infected. It cost me a lot of money to get my computer repaired for something that could have been prevented for a lot less money.

So if you do not have an antivirus protection you need this product, this also includes a firewall to protect your computer. If you are using something that was free from online, you need to remember you may not be fully protected and are subject to getting infected with a virus. This is why I recommend you taking a look at the products Norton / Symantec has to offer, I am sure they have protection that will cover your needs.

I would love to hear your comments about antivirus protection and how it could have saved you. So please post below so I can read and share with my readers.


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How Would Celebrate Your Thanksgiving?

Most of the people are busy preparing for their Thanksgiving Day dinner or party with their family today. But Thanksgiving Day is not all about the food we prepare but it is day that we need to recognize and appreciate the things and blessings that we received each day of our life.

We have so many things that we need to be grateful and thankful for like our health, family, friends and many things and opportunities that we have experience each day. We will not only give thanks to the wonderful things that happen in our lives but as well as our problems and our worries.

We need to understand and realize that we need to experience worries and problems so that we can appreciate the good ones and we can able to learn and grow from our bad experiences or problems. We will not only thankful and grateful for the blessings but as well as our trials and problems that we have overcome and soon we encounter. They are spices of life also that we need to be grateful for.

But you know right after thanksgiving is the most awaited day for most people is the shopping time during Black Friday. This is the day of shopping that you can find deals in your stuff that you like or gift to give during this holiday season that you can shop or buy at a cheap price. I have heard and read from the ads that there are so many great deals in this Black Friday that the store has to offer. Wow! I would not let them pass to buy the things that I wanted and would like to buy this Black Friday especially electronics and computers.

But we need to be there at the store as earlier as much as possible so that we can avail the cheapest price that they offer for the door busters. I know most of the stores are busy preparing for their best sales and deals of this Black Friday sale they has to offer. Have a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving everyone….