by icyents | Sep 23, 2011 | Business, Technology
I received an email from Facebook the other day saying this “We’re trying out a new feature to reduce the amount of email you receive from Facebook. Starting today, we are turning off most individual email notifications and instead, we’ll send you a summary only...
by icyents | Sep 16, 2011 | Business, Health, Other, Technology
We need to know what available new health technologies are in our generation. Take a look at this and how this new technology work for us especially those people that might need this technology or might be you. I am amazed how the technology work in our times and I...
by icyents | Aug 26, 2011 | Business, Money, Other, Technology, Travel
Why people like to work at home in our times? Working at home is very popular nowadays since the internet or computers are been in our today’s lifestyle. Most people find a better way of finding work that stress free by working at home. People find out that working at...
by icyents | Aug 19, 2011 | Business, Money, Other, Technology
Our website needs traffic or visitors, without this visitors and traffic to our website then our website will be useless and no worth at all. The reason for having a websites or blogs is, so that we can give information of our services and products to the public. We...
by icyents | Aug 18, 2011 | Business, Money, Other, Technology
New bloggers or new to internet marketers that are not familiar with what does search engine does affect to their websites they need to know about this how the search engine works to their websites. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has a huge impact on your websites....
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