The History About July 4th

The History About July 4th

The 4th of July — Independence Day. For American families, it’s a tradition that involves food, friends and fireworks. Unfortunately, as with many holidays, it’s easy to lose sight of why we’re celebrating. America’s independence is...
Wellness Is Our Wealth

Wellness Is Our Wealth

Healthy mind and healthy body is what everybody or most of us wanted to achieve especially when we are not feeling good or when we have health issues. Wellness is our wealth especially when we don’t have wealth inheritance from our parents. Most of us were trying to...
A Poem I Wrote On Father’s Day

A Poem I Wrote On Father’s Day

This coming Sunday is Father’s Day I just wanted to greet all the fathers a “Happy Fathers Day”. I wrote this poem and I submitted this to associated content in Yahoo and I want to share this to all the fathers in the whole world, especially to my father. A father is...
Your Health Is Important

Your Health Is Important

Health is important for many reasons. For one simple thing, we all want to live a long life, right? We all want a free and fun life, right? Well one factor to a long good life is good health. We enjoy life better when we have better health. We can walk, we can run, we...