by icyents | Oct 10, 2011 | Business, Money, Technology
Social media has cause transformation the way we communicate and to deal with businesses in our time. If you don’t know how to use the Social Media in this modern generation of time you will surely you will leaving behind and feeling out of touch of you don’t try to...
by icyents | Oct 8, 2011 | Business, Money, Other, Technology
It was all over the news yesterday October 5, 2011 that Steve Jobs the CEO of Apple died with Pancreatic Cancer. This is very devastating news to the Apple Company and as well as the Steve Jobs family and friends. Steve Jobs were known to be a genius, intelligence and...
by icyents | Oct 5, 2011 | Business, Other, Technology
Two weeks ago I think that was Friday noon that we noticed that both our Techwink and Newhottopics website are down. We emailed the webhosting company that we are using regarding the issues and they said that somebody running a script in one of our websites that they...
by icyents | Sep 27, 2011 | Business, Money, Other, Technology
I know when you are active in Facebook you noticed that it is all over in Facebook Wall sharing this message or rumors that Facebook start charging to the people or Facebook user. I copy and paste it here the message that are spreading around. “ FACEBOOK JUST RELEASED...
by icyents | Sep 23, 2011 | Business, Money, PayPerPost
Are you nearing the end of your college education or have just recently completed your college education and you still are looking for that extra edge or boost for your future career? If this sounds like you then you need to take a look at the Woodrow Wilson Teaching...
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