by icyents | Apr 19, 2011 | Business, Technology
New technology developed at the MIT Media Lab offers a clever way to easily transfer information and files from one device to another. Nearly everyone uses some combination of computers, smartphones and now tablets, Web-enabled TVs and e-readers to conduct business,...
by icyents | Apr 18, 2011 | Business, Money, Other
Taxes are something every United States citizen must do once a year. And this year the tax deadline is today or April 18, 2011. This can be a stressful time for many, but it does not need to be. If you followed the ten steps I have listed below your tax season should...
by icyents | Mar 29, 2011 | Business, Money, Other, Technology
Apple’s iPad 2 online sales have already been delayed a little when the earthquake hit. Because of this Apple decided to delay the debut of the iPad 2 in Japan for a short time. Now with recent research analysts are predicting delays in the delivery of iPad 2...
by icyents | Mar 12, 2011 | Health, Money, Other, Travel
The tsunami and earthquake off Japan’s coast was devastating and is still and will be a problem for a while. I just read that surging water generated from the powerful earthquake off Japan’s coast hit the California coastline Friday morning, capsizing...
by icyents | Feb 25, 2011 | Business, Money, Other, Technology
Having a home based business can be challenging for anybody, but making money online is a completely different world. I have done both and can tell you that making money out of your house by supplying a service or a product can be just a difficult as trying to get...
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